R.S.S Blog by Annette Keatley 02/05/2012
Post date: May 2, 2012 9:12:16 PM
House investigation in staffordshire 27th April 2012
I'm in a house reputed to be haunted. The owners have given us some history and agreed for us to do a night vigil.
10pm - Set up a video cam and dictaphone in room 2 of the house hoping to capture some paranormal activity.
11pm - after sitting in the dark for an hour nothing really to report that was unusual. decided to have a bread. Lauren, Tressa and Matty joined me to discuss their findings.
Nothing much had happened in this first session.
11.45 - went back upstairs. Lauren in room 1, Tressa in room 4 and myself in room 2 with Matty moving between the three rooms and the rest of the upstairs with the camcorder.
The cat joined me, sitting on the bed. a candle was little wwhich gave off only a very dim light. All was very quiet although once or twice the candle flickered oddly. Not the normal slow flicker of a candle but a very fast flicker and almost went out. Could not find any reason for this.
12.20am - around this time the cat seemed really spooked. She was on edge and nervously scanning the room. Her eyes suddenly fixed on the area near the bottom of the bed and she glared into the space there for about 5 minutes before settling back at the top of the bed.
2.30am - All of us joined together in room 4 because tressa and Lauren heard a voice on the EVP in this room. A little girls voice. This linked in with what the owners had told us EXACTLY.
Lauren, Tressa and I read stories and rhymes out loud. Whilst this was happening Lauren and Tressa were going very cold and feeling uncomfortable but not terrified. There were cold spots around both of them. The bottom of my legs also went cold briefly.
Very interesting session with some evidence of paranormal activity.
Nothing else experienced and after reviewing the tapes nothing else was found to add to the above.
Called it a night around 4am after a successful evening. Keep watching and listening !